Reading Rocks

Becoming Mums peer-to-peer support group

Becoming Mums is a free, welcoming peer-to-peer support group for mothers, pregnant & post-natal people that supports, listens & understands.

We know that becoming a parent can be really challenging, and that there is great power in community. Research shows us that safe spaces to talk about ourselves are really important to our mental health.

We offer a range of different support services, including a welcoming and supportive online community on Facebook, creative projects and courses, social events and in-person meetings at two locations in Reading, Berkshire every month. 

In our meetings we talk about a different topic each month, decided on by the members, and sometimes we invite guest speakers to join us. We have tea and cake, and babies of all ages are welcome and surrounded by toys, friends and helping hands. But this space is all about you.

Locations are Fairview Community Centre, Great Knolly's Street & Hexham Road Community Centre, Whitley. 

We also run a variety of workshops throughout the year and we have a thriving online community - you can find us on Facebook (Becoming Mums Community) and Instagram (@becomingmums).

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